Understanding Cavities: What Do They Look Like?

Cavities, also known as tooth decay or caries, are a common dental issue that affects people of all ages. They are essentially damaged areas on the surface of your teeth, culminating in tiny openings or holes. But what do cavities look like? Recognizing the signs of cavities early on is key to preventing further tooth damage and maintaining optimal oral health. 

Firstly, it’s important to note that cavities can look different depending on their stages and locations. However, there are some common indications and appearances that can alert you to their presence. 

1. White Spots: In the early stages of tooth decay, you may notice white spots appearing on your teeth. These spots are caused by the demineralization of the tooth enamel, a process that's often reversible with proper oral hygiene and fluoride treatment. 

2. Brown/Black Spots: As the cavity progresses, these white spots can turn into brown or black spots. This discoloration is a result of the enamel continuing to break down, which allows stains from food and drink to penetrate the tooth more easily. 

3. Visible Holes or Pits: If the decay isn't treated in its early stages, it can lead to visible holes or pits in your teeth. These cavities can vary in size, ranging from tiny pinpoints to large craters. 

4. Sensitivity or Pain: Cavities can cause your teeth to become sensitive, especially to sweet, hot, or cold foods and drinks. If the decay reaches the inner layer of your tooth (the dentin), you may experience persistent toothache or pain when biting down.
